Thursday 4 May 2023

Research and identify two laws or guidelines which the company will have to abide by whilst using the internet.


Research and identify two laws or guidelines which the company will have to abide by whilst using the internet.

1. Don't Download games or other executable programs.

2. Don't Harass, insult or attack others through the internet.

Research and recommend three safety and security precautions which would minimise the risk of the above threats.

 Research and recommend three safety and security precautions which would minimise the risk of the above threats.

1. Use a spam filter to stop spam emails coming through to your computer, you can view the spam filter and see what's came in if you were curious some real emails would get blocked.

2. Enable the internet Firewall when using Internet to prevent hackers or malicious programs from gaining access to the computer and gaining access to your private data.

3. Use anti-virus software on your PC to protect against viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware and rogue diallers and prevent unauthorised access to your PC.

Research and explain possible threats to system performance, information security and user safety. Detail at least three areas

Research and explain possible threats to system performance, information security and user safety. Detail at least three areas

1. Unwanted or spam emails.

Spam emails are unwanted or electronic junk mail containing junk text, malware or viruses. They are a threat to your machine as they can contain malware and viruses.

2. Passwords should be kept safe by users and not exposed to anyone but themselves to avoid people seeing private and personal information. Passwords should be complex also to make them even more secure and hard to guess. 

3. Malicious programs (including viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware and rogue diallers). Malicious programs is bits of software used or programmed by attackers to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. This class includes viruses, worms, Trojans, and other programs used to automatically conduct malicious activity. This is very dangerous and can be prevented by anti-virus.